To ensure our individuals and staff are safe during the Covid 19 Pandemic we have implemented the following 4 step procedure. If you would like to view current guidelines visit the CDC guidance page.
Pandemic Contagion Plan
Level 1 – Prevention
Ongoing training of universal precautions. Stay alert and aware of any ongoing viral concerns. Ensure appropriate disinfectant and hand washing supplies are available.
Supported living, Family Living & Administration-
1. Hand washing upon entering the office or residence. Hand washing immediately before and after any personal care contact, meal preparation, cleaning task and after touching own face.
2. Environmental disinfectant – Surfaces to be cleaned with a disinfectant product at the beginning and end of every shift (twice daily for family living) .This includes all light switches, door knobs, counter tops, table tops, bathroom and kitchen sinks and faucets, toilets seats and handles, chair backs, phones, chromebooks / computers, remote controls and any other surface that may be contaminated.
Level 2 – Protection & Mitigation
Provide education of current viral threat, education on safety measures and reporting requirements. Require all employees/ contractors / individuals report illness. Encourage participation in any available treatments/ vaccines.
A TIP sheet or other recommended screening tool will be trained and utilized prior to allowing an employee, contractor, or visitor into a supported living home, Family living home or administrative office. If a person answers yes to a question on the screening tool, they will not be authorized to enter the location and will be instructed to follow DOH/ CDC requirements.
A visitor’s log will be utilized at all locations to ensure tracking in the event of a location infection.
PPE use – Employee / contractor use of gloves for all personal care, medication assistance, first aid and cleanup of any fecal matter, mucus, droplet or secretions or other bodily fluid. Employee/ Contractor use of masks for any active cough or ongoing secretions such as a runny nose.
Individuals with symptoms of respiratory infection will be encouraged to wash hands regularly and use tissues or other barriers to cover their mouth and nose
HeartWell Services will Disengage in mass gatherings, increase flexibility to work from home for all non-essential personal, will implement HeartWell services quarantine requirements and communicate regularly with state officials for recommendations and guidance and follow all CDC guidelines and recommendations.
Level 3 – Response
Staffing Contingency Plan- Partner with local affiliates such as Day Programs for staff sharing. Identify, per individual served, alternate supports provider to include natural supports for temporary transfer of placement. Identify SL home consolidations for staffing needs if necessary.
Containment / Self Quarantine Plan-
If an employee is showing signs and symptoms associated with the virus/ infection, they must follow DOH/CDC requirements which may include testing or self-quarantine
All employees will be required to self-quarantine away from the work site during the testing process upon DOH/ CDC recommendations. If an employee tests positive, HeartWell will communicate with DOH for notification and to receive instructions on exposure containment for all individuals and employees that may be at risk. The infected employee will not be allowed to return to work until proof of infection resolution has been provided.
If an Individual supported exhibits signs and symptoms, HeartWell Services will contact the Hot Line number and follow all recommendations. If an Individual test positive, HeartWell services will quarantine the individual in their private room within their home. All roommates will also quarantine in the home. Employees exposed will all be notified and required to contact DOH for report and testing. HeartWell Will follow all CDC/DOH recommendations requiring further quarantine requirements.
All employees working in the home will be provided gowns/ scrubs or alternate change of clothing to where while working in the home.
Level 4 – Recovery
Schedule staffing restructure for transitions back routine Living Care Arrangements for all individuals.
Identify any additional medical needs of any individual affected by viral outbreak.