“I am different not less...”
Our Services
Supported Living
Individuals share a community home with people that they choose to live with, and that have similar interests and likes. All Supported Living homes have a full team of Life Skill Coaches to help support the individual to help increase and promote independence, and to teach and model skills. Transportation will be provided as needed to assure that all needs are met.
Family Living
Individuals choose to live in a shared living situation with biological/natural family or surrogate/host family. Safety, responsibility, and respect in the home are guiding principles in this service. The individual is a valued person in the home and has supports as needed to increase and promote independence to their abilities. Family Living Provider helps the individual to develop natural supports and strengthen existing networks. Relationships with family of origin or extended family are maintained as desired by the individual. The Family Living provider encourages and supports the individual to make decisions and choices while supporting their emotional, physical, and personal well-being.
Customized Community Services
Community integration is designed to help persons to enhance their personal, social, and vocational experience successfully in the community. It is our goal to open and broaden possibilities in the community, volunteering, and general population activities. Individual supports are based on the identified needs and desires of the persons served. Individuals are active partners in determining the activities they desire to participate in and identifying their most meaningful experiences. All individuals, whether individual or group settings, have Community Support Coaches to aid and guide the individual to help increase and promote independence and to teach and model skills.
Adult Nursing Services
Nurses play a pivotal role in supporting individuals regarding their preferences in healthcare decisions, support health awareness and self-management. Nursing will assess, plan, monitor and manage all health-related issues, provide education and share information with the individual and their teams. Nursing will respond pro-actively to chronic and acute health changes and concerns and facilitate access to appropriate healthcare services. Adult Nursing Services is bundled within Supported Living, 12 hours of Family Living and additional hours can be purchased within this service. Adult Nursing Services may be purchased for Customized In-Home supports.